Detecting criminals when they come in, combined with IoT software, provides efficient data to be shared across the retail chain, including peak shoplifting hours, images of criminals etc.
There are several ways to “cheat” any Electronic Article Surveillance system (EAS). You can cut the pin or you can open it with an illegal detacher or a strong magnet in order to remove it.
Since both of these methods take time professional shoplifters nowadays have changed to all kinds of “booster bags.”, tinfoil lined bags, and clothes protecting against detection in the EAS-gate!
A booster bag is not always a bag! It can also be any container.The foil shields the security tag from the EAS system, thus allowing stolen items to pass through the system without setting off the alarm.
A foil-lined coat is often used in wintertime and can be a very effective shield against detection in the EAS-system. In fact, some U.S. states are now passing legislation that makes it illegal to wear certain types of clothing while shopping, including aluminum underwear.
YES! Using a booster bag, the thief can steal a lot in just one visit. Within seconds 15 expensive shirts or 4-5 bottles of the finest perfumes easily disappear into the booster-bag! Understanding that one can easily work out the numbers and see that a Metalguard installation can bring ROI very quickly!.
Only a few layers are needed to cheat most most RF-systems – a few more layers are needed to render all AM-systems useless. Well-made booster bags thus contain up to 20 layers.
Metal and magnets that are passing through our antennas. The level of detection can be adjusted so that shopping trolleys of metal will not trigger an alarm from the our controller unit.
The sensitivity can be adjusted according to the needs of the specific store. The weight of the metal object is not what is measured, rather it is the physical size. In other words, sensitivity can be adjusted so that mobile phones and other small metal objects will not trigger the system.
All products from Alert Systems – as the only patented systems on the market – has a special adjustment that allows installation close up to sliding doors, folding doors, rotating doors and bi-folding doors.
YES, close up to – and even integrated into.
Yes! Metalguard and Hyperguard can be located as close as 15-20cm from any AM EAS system.
Usually the Metalguard and Hyperguard are installed next to exterior doors.
In larger stores extra installations can be made next to escalators/stairs, or near the entrance to the individual department.